“After 120 days, adoption agencies must update the listing to ensure that information is always current for searchers,” Christie stated. Another area of focus in their development of the site was to make sure it was timely and up-to-date. Once you visit the mobile-friendly site, it immediately answers the call by offering up an easy to use interface along with photos of ‘featured’ adoptable horses on the home page with a main button “Find My Right Horse” that brings you to a page that allows you to search by location and organization. “As we built the My Right Horse website one of our main goals was to place the user experience first,” said Christie.

“It has absolutely made it easier to capture people’s attention and our partners have found much success by posting horses through social channels.” With equestrians slow to adopt technology, luckily social media has helped bridge the gap and increase awareness. That is still a well known website and you would think the horse world would have created something similar dedicated to horses sooner,” Christie said. “In 2001, I remember using Petfinder to find and adopt a dog. Technology is aiding in their mission as they leverage an online platform and breadth of social media to make it easy to find and adopt a horse, but it has taken time. “I love horses, but I wasn’t cut out to be a vet,” and added, “I was just happy with climbing on anything I could and still do.” Now based outside of Austin, Texas, Christie lives on fifteen acres with two adopted horses and a burro and does extensive travel for The Right Horse Initiative. Christie spent her college years at Colorado State and studied Equine Science and Business Administration. “It is exciting to share all of the new connections we are seeing with adoptions across the country and we’re thrilled to watch our adoption partners continue to increase the numbers of lives they’re able to save each year.”Ĭhristie grew up along the shoreline of Connecticut and was a ‘horse crazy kid.’ “I learned to ride English at a young age at a family friendly barn in Killingworth,” she shared. The Initiative commonly features adoption success stories, horses thriving at a rescue and how these horses become family members once adopted.

“It is important not to let false stereotypes discourage those from adopting horses who need a second chance,” explained Christie.

In just a short time they have awarded $6 million in grants to not only help increase horse adoption but also to focus on correcting any of the stigmas associated. “It was started and is funded by the WaterShed Animal Fund in Oklahoma City and has grown to over sixty partners stated Christie. The Right Horse Initiative, whose charter and goal is to massively increase horse adoption in the U.S. When The Tech Equestrian recently spoke with Christie Schulte Kappert, Program Manager from My Right Horse, an online portal that specializes in horse adoption and is an extension of The Right Horse Initiative, the power of teamwork is apparent from the many partner organizations that help drive the mission forward. This collective group forms a strong bond led by instinct and their dominate traits of hearing, sight, smell and of course, speed that allow the breed to reproduce and survive. In the wild they survive by forming bands to protect themselves from predators.