Irregular: The inspector's conclusions are out of square with his earlier report. Just: Their dealings with us have always been on the square.

an open area or plaza in a city or town, formed by the meeting or intersecting of two or more streets and often planted with grass, trees, etc., in the center.anything having this form or a form approximating it, as a city block, rectangular piece of candy, etc.Square (skwâr), USA pronunciation n., v., squared, squar

Mathematicsat right angles: The carpenter lined up the door frame square with the floor and walls.įirmly: She looked him square in the eye.old-fashioned or conservative: She thinks her parents are so square.Straightforward: We got a square deal on the car. straight, level, or even, such as a surface.having a solid, sturdy form: He looked tough, square, and ready to handle trouble.equal to a square of a specified length on a side: They searched an area that was five miles square.having the form of a square and being described by a unit of measurement forming a side of the square: one square foot.

Mathematicshaving four sides and four right angles or three pairs of parallel sides meeting at right angles: a square box.Mathematicsforming a right angle: a square corner.square up, to settle an account: I'll pay the bill now, we can square up later.Sport square off, to hold oneself in a position showing readiness to fight: The two teams square off tonight to decide the city championship.square away, put (oneself or things) in order or in a state of readiness: Everything is squared away for the party.Match: That theory does not square with the facts. to adjust so as to fit, agree, or be satisfactory: Can you square such dishonest actions with your conscience?.to make straight, level, or at right angles to something else: Square the cloth on the table.to set (the shoulders and back) in an erect posture: The prisoner squared his shoulders and faced his questioner bravely.Games to even the score of (a contest): The teams squared the score in the second half.Mathematics to multiply (a quantity) by itself.to mark out in one or more squares or rectangles: squared graph paper.to cut or reduce to square, rectangular, or cubical form: to square an uneven piece of cut wood.a person who is old-fashioned or conservative.a number that is the second power of another: Four is the square of two.the second power of a number, expressed as a 2 = a × a, where a is the number.Buildingan L-shaped tool, Tsquare, or the like.an open area formed at the place where two or more streets meet: The concert was held in the village square.something having or resembling this form, such as a city block, an area on a game board or a piece of graph paper, etc.Mathematicsa rectangle having all four sides of equal length.Square /skwɛr/ USA pronunciation n., v., squared, squar